
Harrysmindes Cisco er solgt / **Is sold02-03-2019 - 15:09

Efter kun 4 uger hos GB Dressage er Cisco solgt uden annoncering

**After only 4 weeks at GB Dressage, Cisco is sold without advertising

Det er med stor glæde for os at det blev Natasha Becker Bertelsen som bliver den fremtidige rytter for Cisco, Natasha har som pony rytter flere flotte resultater i både ind- og udland.

På hest har hun og Atterupsgaards Carlson flotte placeringer bla. ECCO CUP hvor de sammen fik en flot 3. plads med 69% i kür.


**It is with great pleasure, that it was Natasha Becker Bertelsen who will be the future rider for Cisco, Natasha has as pony rider several great results in both home and abroad.
On the horse, she and Atterupsgaards Carlson great results
In ECCO CUP together where they received a great 3rd with 69% in freestyle
