
Blue Hors føl Championat ** Blue Hors foal championship 202415-07-2024 - 21:56

Til Blue Hors havde vi i år taget Harrysmindes Safina med, resultatet havde vi overhovedet ikke regnet med.


**We had taken Harrysminde's Safina to Blue Hors this year, we had not expected the result at all.


Hjemme havde vi set at modellen var ret god, på marken havde vi set hende galopere, trav kun enkelte trin, så hvad Safina havde tænkt at vise var vi ikke klar over.

Ønsket er en plads i finalen, det har vi prøvet flere gange, i år havde Blue Hors skåret ned på antallet til slut finalen fra 8 til 5 føl.

Første step, adgang til finalen, da sorteringen begyndte blev vi spændt, en enkelt runde til de udtaget føl og herefter skridt på ring, dommer Bjarne Nielsen DK og  Jens Meyer fra Tyskland valgt Safina ud blandt de 5 til slutringen og de blev placeret fra 5 - 1

Vinder af hoppefinalen, Bedste hoppeføl 2024 blev i år HARRYSMINDES SAFINA - St. Schufro / Zack / Romancier

Vi har valgt at hun bliver i stalden


**At home we had seen that the model was quite good, on the field we had seen her canter, trot only a few steps, so we were not aware of what Safina had intended to show.

The wish is a place in the final, we have tried that several times, this year Blue Hors had cut down the number for the final from 8 to 5 foals.

First step, access to the finals, when the sorting began we were excited, a single round for the selected foals and then walk on the ring, Safina became one of the five foals as judge Bjarne Nielsen DK and Jens Meyer from Germany were chosen for the final ring and they were placed from 5 - 1

Best filly 2024 was this year HARRYSMINDES SAFINA - St. Schufro / Zack / Romancier


We have chosen for her to stay in the barn
