
Gustav Meinertz og Harrysmindes Esto har været til stævne ** Has been to a competition02-09-2024 - 19:30

Stjerne parret har taget deres sidste dans i LA klasserene


**The star couple has taken their last dance in the LA classes

Vejle Rideklub lagde i weekenden 31/8 - 1/9 rammer til Montars VIP konkurrence

Gustav mødte vanligt op med oplagte og velforberedte Esto, parret var til start i SØLVTUREN som blev redet i LA4 i 1. afd. og LA5 i 2. afd. - Parret vandt sikkert begge afdelinger, LA4 med 71,691% og LA5 med 74,584 - TAK Gustav


Næste gang parret rider op ad midterlinien bliver det i en MB klasse


**During the weekend 31/8 - 1/9, Vejle Rideklub laid the framework for Montar's VIP competition

Gustav usually showed up with the obvious and well-prepared Esto, the pair was at the start of the SILVER TRIP which was ridden in LA4 in the 1st division and LA5 in the 2nd division - The pair certainly won both divisions, LA4 with 71.691% and LA5 with 74.584 - THANK YOU Gustav

The next time the pair ride up the center line it will be in an MB class
