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Harrysmindes Gaia har været til sadelkåring **** Gaia has been to saddle testing16-08-2024 - 17:33

Korshøjgaard dannede rammer om sadelkåring i region 3


**Korshøjgaard created a framework for saddle testing in region 3

8 august var vi tilbage på Korshøjgaard med 3 årige Harrysmindes Gaia - Gaia er tilredet hos Gustav Meinertz og blev flot fremvist af Helena B. Hansen - TAK til jer for rigtig godt arbejde.

Kåret i RDH med 8 i helhed - Gaia har en stor andel af forædlerblod hele 43,7 % og 0% i indavl på 5 generationer

Med Galmourdale som far og fuldblods hingsten Esteban til morfar, en mor der er kåret RDH med bronze, herefter 4 ERDH hopper i lige linie så bliver hun et spændende emne til avl fra 2025


**8 August we were back at Korshøjgaard with 3-year-old Harrysminde's Gaia - Gaia is prepared by Gustav Meinertz and was beautifully presented by Helena B. Hansen - THANKS to both of you for really good work.

Awarded in RDH with 8 in total - Gaia has a large proportion of thoroughbreds as much as 43.7% and 0% inbreeding in 5 generations

With Galmourdale as sire and the thoroughbred stallion Esteban as grandsire, a mother who has been awarded RDH with bronze, then 4 ERDH mares in a straight line, she will be an exciting subject for breeding from 2025

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