**Shortly before the final of the 4-year championship, a great wish was fulfilled
Gustav Meinertz har siden han fik Esto i stalden som 3 års, været meget glad for vores store dreng, vi har ligledes været meget tilfreds med Gustav, ridningen af vores heste og den måde Gustav har heste på, så vi har indgået et samarbjde med ham, han ejer nu en del af Esto.
Vi glæder os til at se hvad fremtiden bringer for parret
**Gustav Meinertz, since he got Esto in the stable as a 3-year-old, has been very happy with our big boy, we have also been very satisfied with Gustav, the riding of our horses and the way Gustav has the horses, calmness and a lot of time in the paddock, so we have entered a partnership with him, he now owns a part of Esto.
We look forward to seeing what the future holds for the couple.